Welcome to scibit

space projects support

magnetic cleanliness, data analysis, custom software development


sci offers set of services and support for different project phases of the scientific instrument development.

  • Magnetic cleanliness: test, analysis, reporting.
  • Thermal modelling and analysis.
  • Data acquisition and analysis.
  • Documentation.
  • Instrument calibration and commanding support.
  • Customized open software development tailored to your needs.

sci mainly focuses on space related activities, as it profits from past experience of its personnel with space projects. The experience was gained during collaboration on various projects of ESA/JAXA/DLR, e.g.: Proba-2, MASCOT, JUICE, BepiColombo.


Magnetic cleanliness

Performing magnetic cleanliness measurements (DC and AC - up to 100 Hz) of electronic devices. Processing and analysis of the measurement data, preparing reports with identification of the disturbances.

Custom Software

Customized software development according to the needs of the customer. Data acquisition scripts or GUI. Instrument commanding and telemetry acquisition.

The software is developed under open software license using Python language.


Preparation of technical documentation according to projects specificactions. Based on experience with space projects, sci is able to help with various technical documentation tailored to the needs of the project.

Thermal analysis

Reduced mathematical thermal model development, thermal simulation and analysis. Design of passive thermal control systems, i.e., thermal blankets (MLI).


Daedalus performance analysis

Performance analysis of the level 1c scientific products of the neutral atmosphere measurements of the Daedalos mission, in particular neutral density and composition, neutral temperature, neutral wind and acceleration. Within the study, the processing flow with algorithms from the raw observables into the L1c products was estabilished and an error propagation analysis was performed. The overall performance for each observable was assessed and corrective actions proposed in order to achieve required accuracy. The study was performed under contract No. 4578609 with OHB System AG.

OHB System AG


Consortium member for the study 'Deep Space Gateway - Plasma Physics Payload Conceptual Design', under ESA Contract No. 4000128461/19/NL/FC. sci contributed in terms of requirements critical review for the magnetometer instrument and its concept design proposal.


Member of the study team for the study 'EL3 Polar Explorer Environment and SpaceWeather / Exosphere Pre-Phase A Study', under ESA Contract No. 4000136050/21/NL/AT. sci contributed in terms of requirements critical review for the magnetometer instrument and its concept design proposal.


Development of the Electrical Groung Supprot Equipment (EGSE) software for in-board magnetometer (IBS) of the JMAG consortium. The IBS instrument was developed by the Institute of Geophysics and extraterestrial Physics (IGeP) at the University Braunschweig. The software serves for raw data conversion, vizualization and data analysis.



Software for data acquisitiona and analysis for the magnetic cleanliness facility developed at the Magson GmbH. The facility is able to measure magnetic moment of tested device (instrumet/mechanical part) by rotating the device in an ambient magnetic field conditions and measureing the signal responce by a gradiometer. The software acquires the data from the gradiometer, performs the analysis and computes the respective magnetic moment of the device.

Magson GmbH


  • David Hercik
    • +4917646103379, +420777937037
    • dh@scibit.cz
    • Liberec, Czech Republic



název/name scibit s.r.o.
adresa/address Na Cvičišti 547/46, 46001 Liberec, Czech Republic


telefon/phone +420777937037
www www.scibit.cz
email dh@scibit.cz

Legal info

jednatel/CEO David Hercik
IČ/ID-Nr 06516661
Spisová značka/register C 40437 vedená u Krajského soudu v Ústí nad Labem
DIC/VAT ID CZ06516661